Parsing Replays

Creating a Replay

Depending on the type of data you have, a Replay can be created multiple ways, using either one of Replay.from_path(), Replay.from_file(), or Replay.from_string():

from osrparse import Replay
# from a path
replay = Replay.from_path("path/to/osr.osr")

# or from an opened file object
with open("path/to/osr.osr") as f:
    replay = Replay.from_file(f)

# or from a string
with open("path/to/osr.osr") as f:
    replay_string =
replay = Replay.from_string(replay_string)

Most likely, you will be using Replay.from_path() to create a Replay.

Parsing Just Replay Data

Unfortunately, the /get_replay endpoint of osu!api v1 does not return the full contents of a replay, but only the replay data potion. This means that you cannot create a full replay from the response of this endpoint.

For this, we provide parse_replay_data(), a function that takes the response of this endpoint and returns List[ReplayEvent] (ie, the parsed replay data):

from osrparse import parse_replay_data
import base64
import lzma

lzma_string = retrieve_from_api()
replay_data = parse_replay_data(lzma_string)
assert isinstance(replay_data[0], ReplayEvent)

# or parse an already decoded lzma string
lzma_string = retrieve_from_api()
lzma_string = base64.b64decode(lzma_string)
replay_data = parse_replay_data(lzma_string, decoded=True)

# or parse an already decoded and decompressed lzma string
lzma_string = retrieve_from_api()
lzma_string = base64.b64decode(lzma_string)
lzma_string = lzma.decompress(lzma_string).decode("ascii")
replay_data = parse_replay_data(lzma_string, decompressed=True)